Concerning Covid-19 & Safety Precautions


Many of our patients are asking us if we will remain open in the event that there is another shut down — the answer is yes.  Physical Therapy is considered an essential business, and we will remain open to improve the health and well-being of our patients.  Balance Solutions is taking many Covid-19 safety precautions to provide a safe and healthy environment for our patients and staff.


We have been working with many individuals who have been experiencing increased pain, dizziness and/or a generalized decline in health.  In many cases, individuals are experiencing increased symptoms as a result of staying at home and becoming less active. Many of our seniors are experiencing a progressive decline in balance and are having more and more difficulty with their normal activities of daily living & self-care.  For many, this comes as a result of losing significant strength and endurance from lack of activity since the initial stay-at-home order issued in March.


Regardless of the cause; pain, dizziness, weakness, and imbalance can result in a significant decline in an individual’s quality of life as well as place them at an increased risk for further injury and mortality.  Balance Solutions will remain open to help those in need of our services and we are taking many Covid-19 safety precautions as described below.


How We Are Keeping it Safe

Balance Solutions is taking the necessary steps to provide a safe environment for our staff members and our patients. Please read below to see what we are doing to keep you safe during your visit. Preventing transmission of COVID-19, and any communicable disease is of the utmost importance within our facility.

Symptom Monitoring

  • All Balance Solutions Employees will take their temperatures prior to arriving to work.
  • All patients must take their temperature prior to attending an appointment. If above normal, patients are asked to remain at home.
  • Any Balance Solutions Employee that is not feeling well will be asked to remain at home.
  • If you are not feeling well, we ask that you please cancel and reschedule your appointment.
  • If you have a family member residing with you that is ill, we ask that you please cancel and reschedule your appointment until it is verified that they are not infected with Covid-19. If a family member residing with you tests positive for Covid-19, we ask that you self quarantine as recommended by the CDC.


  • All Balance Solutions Employees will be wearing a mask and will wash their hands prior to treating you.
  • All patients will be required to wear a mask on entering the facility and during their therapy; if you do not have a mask a disposable one will be provided to you.
  • Masks are required to cover the mouth and your nose at all times.

Social Distancing

  • If someone should drive you, or you should bring your children to the office, we ask that they either stay in the car or come into the treatment room with you. This will ensure proper social distancing in our waiting room and what we hope will be a safe and healthy environment.
  • In order to maintain social distancing, seating will be provided in the waiting room and gym area with all chairs spaced 8-feet apart.
  • We will be staggering schedules in order to decrease the amount of people needing to check in or schedule appointments. Scheduling appointments can also be done over the phone.
  • When checking in or scheduling appointments, please wait behind the appropriate line positioned 6-feet apart from the individual in front of you.


  • All patients will be asked to sanitize their hands upon entry into the facility. Hand sanitizer will also be found in abundance throughout the clinic to utilize at any time.
  • Frequently touched surfaces in the front office, waiting rooms, bathrooms, and gym will be disinfected between patients per recommended CDC guidelines with anti-viral solutions.
  • All treatment rooms will be disinfected and wiped down thoroughly with anti-viral solutions per recommended CDC guidelines between each patient.
  • As always, we will continue to utilize disposable pillow cases between patients as well as clean sheets.
  • All Balance Solutions Employees will take their temperatures prior to arriving to work.
  • All patients must take their temperature prior to attending an appointment. If above normal, patients are asked to remain at home.
  • Any Balance Solutions Employee that is not feeling well will be asked to remain at home.
  • If you are not feeling well, we ask that you please cancel and reschedule your appointment.
  • If you have a family member residing with you that is ill, we ask that you please cancel and reschedule your appointment until it is verified that they are not infected with Covid-19. If a family member residing with you tests positive for Covid-19, we ask that you self quarantine as recommended by the CDC.

UV-C Air Purification

  • UV-C light sanitizing system installation into HVAC systems
  • UV-C lighting has been shown to kill coronaviruses (SARS)
  • UV-C lighting kills 99.9% of bacteria, mold and viruses

As always, to help prevent the spread of germs, please remember:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue if you sneeze or cough into your elbow.
  • Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds and encourage everyone in your home to do the same.
  • Get in the habit of not touching your face.
  • Refrain from hugs or handshakes for the time being.