Call (440) 449-3400 to Schedule an Appointment.
Balance Solutions is located in Beachwood Ohio and is one of Northeast Ohio’s premier physical therapy centers. Our certified Pilates instructor has more than 15 years of experience teaching, and offers highly skilled and engaging classes for both our patients and the community. Private sessions are available upon request. Our Balance Solutions Pilates instructor is focused on ensuring proper form and technique for all participants, maximizing benefits and outcomes. Feel confident knowing that our Pilates instructor will guide the class, making corrections when needed and customizing exercises to meet individualized needs.
Pilates uses a combination of muscle strengthening, lengthening and breathing to develop trunk muscles and restore balance to the musculoskeletal system. The Pilates method emphasizes mental focus to activate muscles with coordinated and controlled movements while applying proper biomechanics with a focus on core stability.
Benefits of Pilates:
- Develops deep core strength
- Builds long lean muscles
- Increase energy
- Improves posture
- Develops proper breathing technique
- Improves spinal alignment
- Increases flexibility
- Improves mental focus
Call today for more information or to schedule a comprehensive evaluation today!
Our Therapists
Our therapists specialize in many different aspects of physical therapy; working together to maximize functional gains for our patients. Balance Solutions believes in providing continual opportunities for professional growth and educational advancement.
Our therapists are trained in-house and participate in regularly scheduled in-services training as well as hands-on continuing educational courses to advance their knowledge and skills. Our staff trains as a team, all therapists can perform similar techniques with slightly different styles to accommodate the many types of patients seen at Balance Solutions. We practice what we teach, several of our therapists travel the country teaching these methods to other therapists and facilities.
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