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Fall Risk Screening & Balance Rehab
Balance Solutions offers a fall risk screening and prevention program. At Balance Solutions you will be evaluated by a skilled licensed physical therapist to determine factors contributing to your risk of falling such as; range of motion, muscle strength, joint mobility, soft tissue mobility, postural alignment, gait mechanics, abnormalities in movement patterns, body mechanics vestibular screening. A comprehensive fall risk assessment will be performed, utilizing multiple standardized tests and measures to compare age related norms. Following a thorough evaluation, a personalized plan of care with goals will be constructed specifically to meet your individual needs.
Falls are the leading cause of accidental death in people over the age of 65 years. Approximately 33% of healthy individuals over the age of 65 fall annually. Falls may result in serious fractures and soft tissue injuries. Prolonged floor contact may lead to dehydration, pressure sores, hypothermia, pneumonia and increased fear of falls. Fear of falls may further lead to anxiety, depression, decreased community ambulation, and increased social isolation.
Falls may be prevented by; exercise and conditioning to increase strength and mobility, exercises to improve balance strategies, use of a cane or walker for balance, proper eyewear to improve vision, adjustments in medications that cause dizziness, routine medical check-ups, and correction of diseases that could impair balance such as hypertension.
Balance Solutions offers a fall risk screening and prevention program. At Balance Solutions you will be evaluated by a skilled licensed physical therapist to determine factors contributing to your risk of falling such as; range of motion, muscle strength, joint mobility, soft tissue mobility, postural alignment, gait mechanics, abnormalities in movement patterns, body mechanics vestibular screening. A comprehensive fall risk assessment will be performed, utilizing multiple standardized tests and measures to compare age related norms. Following a thorough evaluation, a personalized plan of care with goals will be constructed specifically to meet your individual needs.
Call today for more information or to schedule a comprehensive evaluation today!
Our Therapists
Our therapists specialize in many different aspects of physical therapy; working together to maximize functional gains for our patients. Balance Solutions believes in providing continual opportunities for professional growth and educational advancement.
Our therapists are trained in-house and participate in regularly scheduled in-services training as well as hands-on continuing educational courses to advance their knowledge and skills. Our staff trains as a team, all therapists can perform similar techniques with slightly different styles to accommodate the many types of patients seen at Balance Solutions. We practice what we teach, several of our therapists travel the country teaching these methods to other therapists and facilities.

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